Wednesday 26 August 2015

在家学字母 Now i know my ABC's : Letter G

Letter G week activities字母G的系列活动:

Basic content of this Letter G Learning Week is similar to Letter A&B, do refer to Letter A Learning Week Post, if you would like to get those free printable links. :)
基本内容都和字母A,B相同,这里就简单介绍一些另外添加的活动而已 。如果你需要打印教材的连接,请翻阅我们的字母A活动周介绍~

Build Letter G with Lego, Pattern Blocks & Wooden Blocks

[Book Activities/绘本活动] : Goldilocks & The Three Bears

One of my girl's favourite story recently, so i planned to get free printables online for our story telling session. I searched for few days but still can't get it, so i have to draw by myself at the end. If you are interested, you may get it from here.

Goldilocks tasted the porridge. I used hot water, cold water(ice) & plain water to represent : too HOT, too COLD, just RIGHT! A great sensory activiy for little girl! Chen sensed it with her finger tips :)

Goldilocks was tired and she lay down on the bed. I used ziplock bags to fill with stone, water & pom pom balls to represent : too HARD, too SOFT & just RIGHT!
Goldilocks感到疲倦躺在床上,我用密封袋分别装入了石头,水和pom pom ball分别代表太硬,太软及刚刚好!  
After the story session, Chen said bear's family wanna eat their porridge! And she placed the bears in front of their bowls correctly. :)

After it Chen said, Bears want to sleep and she put them on the correct beds also! :)

She like this activity very much. After our dinner (after daddy came back from work), Chen asked me to prepare materials for her and she wanna tell the story to her dad! Haha, it's really funny. I prepared the material again, and she tell the story to her dad with actions! :)

我想她真的很喜欢这个活动。我们晚饭后,晨叫我帮她准备材料,她要说故事给爸爸听!哈哈!真有趣!我快手再次准备好,然后她就开始说故事啦! :) 看来我艰难的画图是值得的啦!(不过,我还是希望以后有免费图供我打印就好~画图太难啦!)

Beginning Letter Matching Activity

Match the pictures with the beginning letter~

Salt Tray Activity

Letter Matching Activity

DIY alphabets clothespin
G Goat Craft

** All Rights Reserved | NOT for Re-Sale | Files are for personal use ONLY | Please share the link to the blog and NOT the files, thank you! And for others resources that we get from others, we already linked it to the original post~ thanks all for sharing!

教材里面有些图片是取自网络,所以我们的打印教材只供个人用途,不能够转售或作商业用途~欢迎分享我们的教材,但是记得是连接到我们的部落格或面书,而非直接连接至教材哦~谢谢当中我们也提到了一些很好的资源,我们已经在文内直接连接至资源本文啦!也谢谢大家的分享! ^^
Click here for quick reference list of our alphabets learning (From A to Z)

[we attached the list at the end of our Letter Aa post]

Sunday 23 August 2015

国庆日活动 National Day's Special

We missed out our National Day's Tot School session last year, and this year we have our holiday plan for National Day's holiday also.Thurs, i decided to do few simple National Day's related activities together with my girl in advance.



马来西亚国旗又被称为“辉煌条纹”(马来语:Jalur Gemilang),是马来西亚国家主权象征之一。
♥ 白色象征着人民的纯洁与美德。
♥ 蓝色象征人民的团结及英联邦的关系。
♥ 新月图案象征对伊斯兰教的信仰。
♥ 十四芒星又名“联邦之星”,象征着马来西亚十三个州属与联邦政府联合、团结一致。
♥ 黄色为皇室的象征颜色。

Flag Of Malaysia

[I get below informations from :

The national flag of Malaysia, popularly called Jalur Gemilang ('Stripes of Glory'), features 14 equal-width horizontal stripes of red (top) alternating with white (bottom) with a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing a yellow crescent and a yellow 14-pointed star known as the Bintang Persekutuan (Federal Star).

♥ The 14 stripes, of equal width, represent the equal status in the federation of the 13 member states and the federal government
♥ 14 point-star represents the unity among the 13 member states and the federal government
♥ The crescent represents Islam, Malaysia's official religion 
♥ The blue canton represents the unity of the Malaysian people 
♥ Yellow is the royal color of the Malay rulers
♥ The colour white symbolises honesty and integrity.
♥ The colour red signifies strength, bravery and courage in facing challenges.

I bought Malaysia Flag's craft pack from MyRainbow, and started our simple National Day's craft session:
我在MyRainbow 购买了两套国庆日的简单手工配套,这一套是制作国旗的。现在就开始我们的手工时间: 

I draw out the guidelines for Chen, as she is still to young to do it all by own.


Material list~

for the stripes part, i guided her to measure, cut & paste.

almost done

Final Step!

Malaysia National Flower 认识我们的国花
Next is to introduce our National Flower, Hibiscus (Bunga Raya) to my little girl. I could't get a real flower to show her, hmmm, is ok, just make a hibiscus craft first! And thanks for Mummy Winnie Chew who shared out her Bunga Raya's craft session photos, and i decided to do it too~

" The red colour of hibisucs signifies political and economic strength and courage in facing challenges while the 5 petals represents the '5 Prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara', which is a declaration of our 5 Principles of Nationhood. The many varieties, colour, shapes and sizes of the hibiscus symbolise the different races, religion and multi-cultural background living harmoniously together."

I get above details from:
接下来我打算介绍我们的国花,大红花给小人儿。之前就一直在看看哪里可以看到真的大红花,可是一直没看到。直到最近看见Mummy Winnie Chew 分享了她和孩子的大红花手工环节照片,真是好极了,我马上就打印出来准备和小人儿也一起来进行~谢谢Mummy Winnie Chew的分享。



大红花是於1960年7月28日,被当时的首相东 姑阿都拉曼选为国花。 Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :

大红花是於1960年7月28日,被当时的首相东姑阿都拉曼选为国花。 Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :
大红花是於1960年7月28日,被当时的首相东姑阿都拉曼选为国花。 Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :
大红花是於1960年7月28日,被当时的首相东姑阿都拉曼选为国花。 Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :

Flags of Different Countries  各国国旗

And this is another activity pack that i get from MyRainbow. It comes with different people & flags from different countries. For me, i feel this little girl still not really know what is "Country", what is "Malaysia", well, just try my best will do. And, we always mentioned about Singapore(which we brought her there before) and Japan (a fixed business trip location for Daddy) to Chen, so she knew that we need to travel then only can bring ourselves to both of the countries. Inside this card, we can see people from different countries (wearing on their traditional costume) , i pointed out every character and let her know where they are from.

这是另外一个我购自MyRainbow 的手工包。卡片里面有来自不同国家的人们,小朋友必须完成上色活动并贴上正确的国旗。在这些国家当中,新加坡(最靠近我们的国家,也带晨去过) 和日本(爸爸常出差的国家)是当中晨常听我们提起的。借着这个活动,让她知道每个国家在传统服饰上都有不同,也希望能让她对“国家” 有个概念。

She could recognized our national flag after our simple national flag craft activity.

Well, this little girl took this coloring worksheet from me and told me, i wanna complete by my own. So i leave the worksheet to her and went to prepare our lunch. After 15minutes, she ran toward me happily and show me all the people in pink! Haha! So far i still let her to decide the color that she want during coloring session, i try not to limit her imagination since she is still very young. But i'll ask her why the item in that color, hmmm try to understand what is inside her mini brain. After that, i let her know where all these children from and let her to paste on their country flag.

Simple tot school sessions from us, and i think Mummy Bear Lim will share out her details National Day's Activities with Eva soon (i saw her photo sharing on facebook) which is with more activities (and i'm looking forward for her sharing of great tot school materials also)~

这次的国庆主题Tot School, 我只准备了几个简单的手工活动。然后同时期看见Mummy Bear Lim 分享了很多和Eva的精彩国庆主题活动照。哈哈,相信Bear一定会和我们分享那些精彩教材,到时我再来继续和小人儿进行更多的爱国活动吧!

认知形状(2) ♥ learning my shape (part 2)

I found that Yee starting interest on shape so I do a simple activity shape for him to play. Some of the material actually I download from internet and forgot where is the link I download from. So I might not able to share out. Below activity shape idea is come from Yee. Because he like to play car so I draw a simple shape with road topic.
Below you can see each of the tree have each angle. So it can let Yee know the shape has how many angle for the further knowledge.
 最近亿开始对形状开始有了兴趣。所就做了一些些形状游戏给他玩。 有一些是之前在online download下来给他玩。之后开始喜欢了画画就画了一些基本图案。因为还在初学当中所以都是画一些简单的来给孩子玩。这个形状的图是来自于亿喜欢玩车,所以就做了个马路的图形让亿推着车顺着马路走。让他更了解图形,同时还画了几颗树。每一颗树代表每一个形状的angle,所以可以清楚的让亿分辨出每个形状有多少个角度。

The next is shape matching. I make 2 design with color and without color. I cut the shape out with the color shape and let Yee do matching. After that let him to stick on the paper shape by shape.

This game I get it from Chen's Mum. She told me the shape can play like this. My boy like it much.
Last is dot n dot game.
一下是dot - dot 游戏。

Below link is for previous shape activity game.
Montessori at Home (5) : Shape Activities ♥ 在家蒙特梭利 (5) : 认识形状

Sunday 16 August 2015

在家学字母 Now i know my ABC's : Letter F

Letter F week activities字母F的系列活动:

Basic content of this Letter C Learning Week is similar to Letter A&B, do refer to Letter A Learning Week Post, if you would like to get those free printable links. :)
基本内容都和字母A,B相同,这里就简单介绍一些另外添加的活动而已 。如果你需要打印教材的连接,请翻阅我们的字母A活动周介绍~

Build Letter F with Lego & Pattern Blocks
Well, i add in Wooden Blocks Alphabet Puzzle Set inside Chen's drawer (which i kept all the alphabet building activity set inside, she can decide which activity that she wanna do during tot school), and the result is, she told me that she don't want to build Letter F with Lego and she wanna play with the wooden blocks~ Ok, learning process should be happy so i accepted her request of course.


F Farm
[Book Activities/绘本活动]
Humphrey's Farm Adventure

You may refer to for all the books about Humphrey, i got few of it, all bought from Big Bad Wolf.

Prepared a farm themed sensory bin for this story book. Well, i got no talent(at all) in preparing sensory bin. My sensory bin always very simple, haha~ And below is my farm adventure sensory bin.
我购入了基本小象Humphrey的绘本,是分几次于大野狼书展购入的。内容简单易懂 ,挺适合两三岁左右的孩子(当然也可以更早)。大家可以查阅 了解详情。
在Sensory Bin部分,我向来没什么天分。看到其他妈妈都做得很精彩,好羡慕,可是有才华局限,我就还是做简单的好了。

First of all is feeding section. And Chen need to feed the farm animals accoring to the story sequence.
很简单的绘本活动,就是根据故事来个想像游戏。让晨充当Humphrey,到农场参观。首先是根据故事依序喂食 。

F, Footprint
Press animal model on playdough to show the footprint of the animals.

Lastly, and also Chen's favourite part for this book activity session : bath the animals~
最后就是小朋友最爱的玩水环节: 帮动物们洗澡啦 ~

Another simple and great book activities, at least for me as this little really enjoyed the pretend play very much! :)
绘本活动完成。小朋友很喜欢这次的农场探险活动。 :)

F Fish

Simple DIY Fishing Play 1 自制钓鱼玩具 1

Fish from Eva Foam Sheet, and label up F & f on it to have a alphabet sorting games.
利用泡棉片裁出了小鱼,然后分别写上 F 及  f, 就可以开始分类游戏。

1. You can prepare a container for F and another one for f. Instruct your lil ones to sorting uppercase & lowercase letter F
先是可以进行大小写分类游戏( 你可以准备一个空盘写上 F另一个则写上 f 让孩子分类)

2. Get your toddler to fishing according to your instruction. Show them a F, then they have to give you a F fish ,and vice versa.
也可以,让孩子根据指示钓鱼。出示大写F的卡片,然后孩子需要钓一只字母F的鱼 ;以此类推。

Simple DIY Fishing Play 2 自制钓鱼玩具 2

Pipecleaners Fish

And together with dots card (card from one dot to ten dots), we can practise counting through this activity.

1. Start from any of the dots card ( I let Chen to draw it out)
我让晨闭起眼抽出一张点数卡( 纯粹是为了增添学习趣味性而已)

2. Let your toddler to count on the dots.

3. Get the fish in same quantity with the dots card.

* You can use number cards to replace with dots card.

F Do-A-Dot
Anoher routine do a dot activities for our alphabet learning week,i think i forget to share this free printable source in previous post: overthebigmoon
我好像一直忘了分享这个每个星期都有进行的字母Do a Dot 活动: overthebigmoon

Gluing Practice 贴图练习
Decorate F with fish worksheet from Bear Lim~
For those who purchase mommy Bear Lim's alphabet and number cards can request the printable material for free~ 
Bear Lim的字母卡首卖时我就购买了(有购买者可以向她索取免费字母打印教材),事先准备好的鱼不够啦~这次让小朋友自行画上~ 

Golf Tees Letter Ff
Another simple activity with minimum advance preparation (Golf Tees from Daiso).
简单的敲钉字母活动。Golf Tees是早前就已经购买的了。只是简单用recycled paper点出F&f,再于纸张下面垫上厚海绵(厚度大概3cm)即可。

** All Rights Reserved | NOT for Re-Sale | Files are for personal use ONLY | Please share the link to the blog and NOT the files, thank you! And for others resources that we get from others, we already linked it to the original post~ thanks all for sharing!
教材里面有些图片是取自网络,所以我们的打印教材只供个人用途,不能够转售或作商业用途~欢迎分享我们的教材,但是记得是连接到我们的部落格或面书,而非直接连接至教材哦~谢谢当中我们也提到了一些很好的资源,我们已经在文内直接连接至资源本文啦!也谢谢大家的分享! ^^

Click here for quick reference list of our alphabets learning (From A to Z)

[we attached the list at the end of our Letter Aa post]

Sunday 9 August 2015

[Book Activities/绘本活动] Chicka Chicka ABC

Book Activities/绘本活动 : Chicka Chicka ABC

A simple and nice book to introduce ABC to your lil one. The alphabets in the content are in Uppercase while the illustration are in Lowercase, toddlers are exposed to both ofthe uppercase & lowercase letter at the same time. For me, this is another good book to expose your toddlers to ABC. And i build a simple coconut tree by using Duplo set together with small size magnetic alphabet magnet, then started our interactive book activities.

这本书的内容是挺童趣的,是描述字母们一个接一个的爬上椰树,然后当中不懂重复,Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! Will there be enough room?每次听到这句大家都好担心字母会掉下。其实仔细观察,书的内容上的字母都是大写的,同页的插图内的字母则是小写的。作者Bill Martin Jr 和 John Archambault 其实很用心的穿插了大小写配对于书内。个人觉得是本介绍字母的好书。 :) 然后利用我手上有的乐高积木和磁铁迷你字母,我们进行了简单绘本活动。

Match the magnetic alphabet with the letters on page that we read.

And time to have pretend play with this lil gal, we let those alphabet to climb up to the top of our coconut tree.
Try to balance the alphabet on the top of coconut tree. And who make those alphabet falling down from the coconut tree will be tickled!

Our Duplo Coconut Tree~
Of course there are many ways to "build" a coconut tree for your lil one, you may refer to Jennifer Lee's post for baking tray method. :) 
当然还有好多方法可以进行这个绘本活动,你可以看看Jennifer Lee的方法