Tuesday 12 December 2017

Merry Christmas 2017 (free printable file)

在2017结束前,分享我去年制作的圣诞DIY Busy Bag。去年来不及分享,今年也差点忘了,幸好今天想起了。

1. Tracing Fun
2. Roll & Cover 
3. Tic Tac Toe

Roll & Cover需要配合白色Pom Pom Ball和骰子一起进行。至于Tic Tac Toe,我就贴上磁铁片,让它在使用携带上更容易。

Before the end of 2017, here i share my Christmas DIY Busy Bag which actually created by last year.

There are three Christmas games for children in different ages:
1. Tracing Fun
2. Roll & Cover
3. Tic Tac Toe

Roll & Cover game need to be done with white Pom Pom Ball and dice. As for Tic Tac Toe, I affixed a magnet piece for attachment purpose to make it easier to carry around.

Tracing Fun

Roll & Cover

Tic Tac Toe